Nippon India Balanced Advantage Fund Overview
Category Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage Fund
Growth Option 21-02-2025
NAV ₹164.02(R) -0.37% ₹184.9(D) -0.36%
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
Lumpsum Regular 6.97% 11.11% 11.25% 9.84% 9.09%
Direct 8.25% 12.52% 12.72% 11.26% 10.27%
SIP (XIRR) Regular -0.67% 11.17% 12.01% 11.31% 10.69%
Direct 0.54% 12.55% 13.47% 12.75% 12.02%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
0.59 0.29 0.78 2.3% 0.04
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
6.92% -6.71% -4.35% 0.93 4.88%

NAV Date: 21-02-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
Nippon India Balanced Advantage Fund-Growth Plan-Growth Option 164.02
Nippon India Balanced Advantage Fund-Growth Plan-Bonus Option 164.02
Nippon India Balanced Advantage Fund - Direct Plan Growth Plan - Growth Option 184.9

Review Date: 21-02-2025

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % -1.38
-10.50 | -0.17 14 | 34 Good
3M Return % -1.68
-16.03 | 0.28 9 | 34 Very Good
6M Return % -4.32
-20.98 | 0.51 18 | 34 Good
1Y Return % 6.97
-7.62 | 10.40 12 | 32 Good
3Y Return % 11.11
5.66 | 19.46 8 | 24 Good
5Y Return % 11.25
5.65 | 19.05 7 | 18 Good
7Y Return % 9.84
5.71 | 14.47 5 | 13 Good
10Y Return % 9.09
6.52 | 13.38 5 | 10 Good
15Y Return % 11.29
5.29 | 13.64 3 | 6 Good
1Y SIP Return % -0.67
-25.44 | 4.98 12 | 32 Good
3Y SIP Return % 11.17
1.77 | 17.58 8 | 24 Good
5Y SIP Return % 12.01
4.64 | 20.94 5 | 18 Very Good
7Y SIP Return % 11.31
5.51 | 18.30 6 | 13 Good
10Y SIP Return % 10.69
7.58 | 16.19 5 | 10 Good
15Y SIP Return % 11.20
7.15 | 14.69 3 | 6 Good
Standard Deviation 6.92
5.24 | 12.75 9 | 22 Good
Semi Deviation 4.88
3.65 | 8.98 9 | 22 Good
Max Drawdown % -4.35
-16.99 | -3.40 4 | 22 Very Good
VaR 1 Y % -6.71
-19.35 | -3.92 5 | 22 Very Good
Average Drawdown % -2.37
-6.44 | -1.46 4 | 22 Very Good
Sharpe Ratio 0.59
0.00 | 1.24 5 | 22 Very Good
Sterling Ratio 0.78
0.25 | 1.29 4 | 22 Very Good
Sortino Ratio 0.29
0.01 | 0.73 5 | 22 Very Good
Jensen Alpha % 2.30
-3.51 | 8.30 4 | 22 Very Good
Treynor Ratio 0.04
0.00 | 0.10 5 | 22 Very Good
Modigliani Square Measure % 11.22
3.94 | 15.20 4 | 22 Very Good
Alpha % 1.71
-2.70 | 9.93 7 | 22 Good
Return data last Updated On : Feb. 21, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Jan. 31, 2025
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % -1.28 -1.82 -10.41 | -0.06 14 | 34
3M Return % -1.39 -2.58 -15.77 | 0.35 11 | 34
6M Return % -3.75 -4.72 -20.45 | 0.66 18 | 34
1Y Return % 8.25 6.03 -6.44 | 11.75 13 | 32
3Y Return % 12.52 11.51 6.97 | 20.22 8 | 24
5Y Return % 12.72 12.05 6.98 | 19.79 7 | 18
7Y Return % 11.26 10.55 6.97 | 15.25 5 | 13
10Y Return % 10.27 10.24 7.26 | 14.13 6 | 10
1Y SIP Return % 0.54 -1.76 -24.42 | 5.71 14 | 32
3Y SIP Return % 12.55 11.43 3.12 | 18.34 8 | 24
5Y SIP Return % 13.47 12.43 6.01 | 21.73 5 | 18
7Y SIP Return % 12.75 11.91 6.85 | 19.04 5 | 13
10Y SIP Return % 12.02 11.53 8.40 | 16.93 4 | 10
Standard Deviation 6.92 7.86 5.24 | 12.75 9 | 22
Semi Deviation 4.88 5.44 3.65 | 8.98 9 | 22
Max Drawdown % -4.35 -6.61 -16.99 | -3.40 4 | 22
VaR 1 Y % -6.71 -8.78 -19.35 | -3.92 5 | 22
Average Drawdown % -2.37 -3.05 -6.44 | -1.46 4 | 22
Sharpe Ratio 0.59 0.42 0.00 | 1.24 5 | 22
Sterling Ratio 0.78 0.64 0.25 | 1.29 4 | 22
Sortino Ratio 0.29 0.22 0.01 | 0.73 5 | 22
Jensen Alpha % 2.30 0.80 -3.51 | 8.30 4 | 22
Treynor Ratio 0.04 0.03 0.00 | 0.10 5 | 22
Modigliani Square Measure % 11.22 9.45 3.94 | 15.20 4 | 22
Alpha % 1.71 0.74 -2.70 | 9.93 7 | 22
Return data last Updated On : Feb. 21, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Jan. 31, 2025
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

Investment Period Regular Direct
Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000 Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000
1D -0.37 ₹ 9,963.00 -0.36 ₹ 9,964.00
1W -0.13 ₹ 9,987.00 -0.11 ₹ 9,989.00
1M -1.38 ₹ 9,862.00 -1.28 ₹ 9,872.00
3M -1.68 ₹ 9,832.00 -1.39 ₹ 9,861.00
6M -4.32 ₹ 9,568.00 -3.75 ₹ 9,625.00
1Y 6.97 ₹ 10,697.00 8.25 ₹ 10,825.00
3Y 11.11 ₹ 13,717.00 12.52 ₹ 14,245.00
5Y 11.25 ₹ 17,039.00 12.72 ₹ 18,197.00
7Y 9.84 ₹ 19,291.00 11.26 ₹ 21,110.00
10Y 9.09 ₹ 23,877.00 10.27 ₹ 26,584.00
15Y 11.29 ₹ 49,766.00

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Investment Period Invested Amount Regular Direct
XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount
1Y ₹ 12000 -0.67 ₹ 11,956.30 0.54 ₹ 12,035.15
3Y ₹ 36000 11.17 ₹ 42,580.22 12.55 ₹ 43,445.66
5Y ₹ 60000 12.01 ₹ 81,171.18 13.47 ₹ 84,155.40
7Y ₹ 84000 11.31 ₹ 125,723.89 12.75 ₹ 132,379.04
10Y ₹ 120000 10.69 ₹ 209,063.64 12.02 ₹ 224,460.72
15Y ₹ 180000 11.20 ₹ 444,922.02

Date Nippon India Balanced Advantage Fund NAV Regular Growth Nippon India Balanced Advantage Fund NAV Direct Growth
21-02-2025 164.0165 184.897
20-02-2025 164.6203 185.5717
19-02-2025 164.2916 185.1951
18-02-2025 164.0792 184.9497
17-02-2025 164.2054 185.086
14-02-2025 164.2268 185.0922
13-02-2025 165.0029 185.9609
12-02-2025 165.0499 186.0079
11-02-2025 165.1846 186.1537
10-02-2025 166.7593 187.9222
07-02-2025 167.7922 189.0678
06-02-2025 167.919 189.2045
05-02-2025 168.396 189.7358
04-02-2025 168.3795 189.7112
03-02-2025 167.1702 188.3425
31-01-2025 167.377 188.5572
30-01-2025 166.38 187.428
29-01-2025 166.1022 187.109
28-01-2025 164.9489 185.8038
27-01-2025 164.7924 185.6215
24-01-2025 166.1114 187.0891
23-01-2025 166.7848 187.8415
22-01-2025 166.2722 187.2581
21-01-2025 166.3057 187.2897

Fund Launch Date: 16/Oct/2004
Fund Category: Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage Fund
Investment Objective: Nippon India Balanced Advantage Fund attempts tocapitalize on the potential upside in equity marketswhile attempting to limit the downside by dynamicallymanaging the portfolio through investment in equityand active use of debt, money market instruments andderivatives. A model based Dynamic Asset AllocationFund that aims to offer Triple Benefits of 1. EmotionFree Asset Allocation through Model Based AssetAllocation, 2. Lowers downside risk through hedgingand 3. Long Term Alpha through Active Stockselection and Sector. The fund follows an in-houseproprietary Model (which follows Valuations & TrendFollowing) to determine unhedged equity allocation.The fund maintains a large cap oriented portfoliodiversified across sectors. Debt portfolio is managedconservatively, focused at the shorter end throughinvestment in a combination of liquid and short termfixed income securities.
Fund Description: An Open Ended Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund
Fund Benchmark: CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.